
Lose Weight the Right Way



At Sukhitha Lifestyle Medicine, we take time to do a comprehensive multi-disciplinary assessment of your current physical, physiological, metabolic, biochemical, psychological and lifestyle status, going way beyond, a simple set of blood tests and a quick medical checkup.

We also take a great effort to comprehend and understand your lifestyle goals and wellbeing requirements prior to formulating plans.



With a comprehensive understanding of your current status, likes, dislikes as well as your wellbeing, aesthetic and fitness goals, we sit down with you to formulate your individualised and practical plans to take you to your goal.



As you take your journey towards your dream physique, wellbeing and fitness, our team at Sukhitha will stay with you every step of the way to guide you to your goal!

Ready to Make a Change?

011 251 36 36  |  076 44 22 822  |  info@sukhitha.com